I was on call yesterday, and had to drive out on a difficult lambing at the far corner of the district - up in the mountains on some narrow zig-zag road. It was a young sheep, her first lambing, and her pelvis was too narrow for the lamb. That gives 2 choices - euthanizing or c-section. The farmer went for the c-section, so I just had to get my stuff and start. The mobilephone reseption was very poor up there, but I managed to get a "peptalk" with Ingjerd (our veterinary "telephoneguru", who's on maternal leave). This was my first c-section after finishing vetschool, and it was pretty scary! It took somewhere between 3 and 4 hours (next one will be quicker, practice makes perfect ;) ), and 2 lambs were delivered - one dead and one alive. Success! It sure feels good, mastering an operation like this for the first time - all alone! I was home at almost 03.30, dead tired (I fell asleep in the car (after stopping at home) while writing in my "driving-journal"! When I was almost home, Eivind called (he took my dutycalls while I was out of reception) - there's a lambing with 2 lambs trying to come out at once... Lucky me didn't have to take that visit, as he offered to do it for me (ok, I owe you for that) - and I could go to bed and sleeeeeep!
I'd forgotten to close the babygate at the top of the stairs, so Chivas took a trip downstairs, opening the livingroom door - so that the girls (who sleeps downstairs) were free to come upstairs. I woke up with 3 IGs and 1 saluki in my very narrow 1-person-bed, without ever noticing that they'd gotten there in the first place. It clearly reminden me WHY it's so important to close that gate (Chivas opens doors as he pleases) - it's very uncomfortable to sleep in a crowded bed! When I sleep, I always give in when the dogs move, and end up in weird, uncomfortable sleepingpositions (arms up, half the body twisted to the side, a foot halfway outside the bed; or on my side, balancing on the edge of the matress/bed)
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for 10 år siden
hahaha etter hund no 7 så fikk mine sove i burer, nettopp fordi de tok beste plassene og jeg våknet med vont i ryggen, nakken, foten.... name it!
SvarSlettMen det var jo en bra keisersnitt! Alt gikk bra og du fikk deg en fin erfaring! Eneste erfaringen noen får her er Dollar.. jeg har et gjeng med "puppyperverts" som er kjempekåte og vil gjerne ri på valper som lukter som de forbudne jentene de får ikke møte lol! Dollar synes det er kjempemorro at alle guttene vil leke så mye med han!
jeg er ikke akkurat på nr 7 enda (men har jo to store i hus for tiden), det holder lenge med Esso i senga! Chivas har dobbel skumgummimadrass på golvet, mens jentene sover nede på sofaen. Funker som bare det - helt til jeg glemmer å lukke barnegrinda!
SvarSlettDet er bra Dollar ikke skjønne hva det EGENTLIG dreier seg om, da hadde han nok ikke vært like fornøyd med situasjonen, hehe - men han lærer jo fort nok, er nok ikke mange månedene til han er like ivrig som de store gutta!