It's not been so much work as I'd feared, but still enough to keep all 3 of us quite busy every day! I'm on duty this weekend too, and I'll have my own personal assistant! Chanett Orre will come and stay with me for the weekend, to experience what a vet do - other than on the small-animal clinic. The only "problem" is that I have to go and pick her up at the busstop at about 04 tonight, and I'm not good at being tired and getting up in the middle of the night, haha
I've had a few easy lambings (those are always very nice) and a lambing that went really bad. Lamb comming with the hindfeet first - or not even that, just the hindhooks, so the cervix ("livmorhals") was only partially (and badly) opened. I managed to block her up quite well, and also to correct the hindfeet so that the "toes" came first - and got the lamb halfway out. Then it was stuck. When I went in to feel what's wrong, the frontfeet were pointing behind, and were following parallell to the chest - so it was too large with both chest and feet - and the lamb was stuck. As the sheep contracted, I could feel the hoofs (?!) making a tear in the uteurs wall.. That means the deathsentence for the sheep, nothing to do about that. Poor sheep, poor lambs and poor farmer... But as they said, we get to try to fix the worst cases, and they are happy if we can, but they also know that it's not always possible to save them all.
Apart from lambings, there's quite a lot of mastitis ("jurbetennelse") and sick lambs. Today, it was pretty warm and pretty sunny (a bit cloudy), and it's so nice to see the sheep and lambs outside on the grass in the nice weather! Lambs jumping around, trying to get the hang of those long legs! I guess I'll have to start bringing my camera in the car ;)
I'd better get back to cleaning the house - I suddenly realized how dirty it gets when you're busy busy at work, and don't have time to keep up with the vacuuming and cleaning! Not that I'm a cleaningfreak, but it has to be done once in a while! And having visitors suddenly pulls off my "dirtglasses" and I see how it really looks, haha. Dishes first, then vacuuming and at last washing the floors. That'll do.
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