2 males and 6 females were entered for Swedish judge Dan Ericsson. He was the one to give Esso his Swedish & Norwegian Ch last June, so I was pretty optimistic.
BM-1, CACIB, BOS - Ch Biscotti Esclusivo
BM-2, CAC, R-CACIB - Ylladian Eugenios Gavino
BB-1, CACIB, BOB - Ch Eugenios Posh Spice
BB-2, CAC - Aviendha
BB-3, R-CACIB - Ch Dervisch Fiorella des Ombreuses
BB-4 - Ch Dogcastle's Leslie Blue Angel
I'm very happy with BOS for Esso and BB-2 with CAC for Vita (just from juniorclass) - although I still wish for a CACIB, not just Res-CACIB for Easy.
Critic Esso:
Bigger champion male. Beautiful head, good front. Nice bones and feet. Could have more curved profile. Cannot be coarser.
Critic Vita:
Very beautiful female. Ideal proportions, type and size. Pretty and feminine head, excellent front. Beatuiful body with pretty curves and outline. Could have a bit more coat. Very beautiful sidemovement.
Critic Easy:
Nice female. Very nice head and expression. Good front. Excellent bones and feet, excellent body. Wish for better movement.
When I got home, my sister had just gotten a letter to me from NKK (the Norwegian Kennel Club), which confirmed my application for a kennelname - all 3 suggestions were approved by them, and are now sent in to FCI for final approvement! That might take a while, but I'm still very excited!!! What I've applied for, you ask?!? I guess you'll just have to wait and see!
Kjempeflott!! Nå må FCI bara forte seg at si ja og da har du kennelnavn!!!
SvarSlettJeg kan ikke se hvordan Esso skal bli mer kurvete en han er... han er en av få som faktist holder kurvene selv om det er stekende sol!!.. og "wish for better movement" på Easy...
Jeg gleder meg til kennelnavnet er i boks!!!
SvarSlettEsso med mer kurver og som ikke kan bli grovere... Men Easy ville ikke gå ordentlig, hun spenner seg i ryggen/bakparten, så hun mister drivet sitt - det skjer iblant på inneutstillinger, dessverre. Men nå blir det laaaaaang pause på henne!