onsdag 2. september 2009

Skydiving Voss

In June, the day after my last workingday in Lærdal, I went to Voss at "Ekstremsportveko - the Extremesport Week" to try skydiving! My colleage Eivind is a skydiver, and has been tempting me all winter with photos and filmclips from various jumps - so I just had to try!

It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day - there was plenty of waiting to do (why am I reminded of going to dogshows, LOL!) before it finally was our turn. There were room for 10 people in the plane - 3 tandemjumpers with instructors and photographers (one for each tandemjump, to capture it all on film) - and then we managed to squeeze Eivind in as well ;)

I wasn't nervous at all before the jump, mainly because I knew it would be an unbelievable experience. Not even when I sat on the edge of the planefloor, ready to just let go and be hanging by the straps - it was great! The tumble out of the door was a bit weird and disorienting (summersault!), but we were soon hanging the right way - facing down!

It was actually quite a long freefall, a lot longer than I'd expected. It was a very exciting feeling - knowing you are falling so fast, but still being (hopefully) perfectly safe. The googles were a bit of a nuisance, though ;)Voss from above - quite a view! It takes some time from the parashute unfolds untill you get close enough to ground to land, so there was plenty of opportunity to enjoy the view.

Then, finally it was time to land. That's actually the scary part of the jump! You fly in quite fast, and it looks like you'll crashland big time - of course it came to a crashlanding, I'd be surprised if we'd managed to land standing ;)

Skydiving was a mindblowing experience, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Too bad it's so expencive...

3 kommentarer:

  1. wow!! Så flink blogger nå! Har jeg klart at være en "blog-inspiration" hahaha:)

    Utrulig flotte bilder, du ser ut som en proff! Jeg har lyst til at prøve dette en fin dag:) Ser ut som en utrolig opplevelse!

  2. Ingen problem å blogge, bare jeg har noe å blogge om ;)

    Det var en helt utrolig opplevelse, kan anbefales!

  3. Great blog. Thanks for sharing your experience. I like skydiving but I only do paracadutismo Genova.
