lørdag 11. juni 2011

NKK Int Drammen, June 4th 2011

Long time, no see! We've been really busy lately, and that is the reason for the lack of blogging. Its also been a slow spring for shows, so not a lot of news to publish. June will be a busy show month, with NKK Int Drammen and Norwegian IG Speciality last weekend, the Norwegian Sighthound Speciality this weekend, and Swedish Sighthound Speciality weekend next weekend!

NKK Int Drammen, 04.06.2011 (10+13) Judge: Rudi Brandt, Denmark

BM-1, CACIB, BOB, BIG-4 - Ch Eugenios Amenhotep
BM-2, CAC, R-CACIB - Ch Qvickelyckans Filiberto - New N Ch!
BM-3 - Ch Flying Spirit's Forever and Ever
BM-4, R-CAC - Dervisch Sky is the Limit

BB-1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Dervisch Happy Go Lucky
BB-2, R-CACIB - Ch Eugenios Mrs Robinson
BB-3 - Ch Eugenios Posh Spice
BB-4 - Ch Dervisch Fiorella des Ombreuses

Esso - C.I.B. Nord NL Ch NV-08-09 AmsterdamW-10 Biscotti Esclusivo - EXC/unplaced Ch class
Maskulin, utm str. Bra hode og uttr, bra underkjeve. Korr bitt, typisk hjortehals. Flott overlinje i stående, velvinklet fram/bak. Dyp brystkasse, korr frontfylde, fin benstamme. For mye hvitt på ene frambein. Rør seg ganske bra, vist i flott kondisjon. // Masculine, exc size. Nice head & expression, good underjaw. Corr bite, typical neck. Nice topline standing, well angulated front/behind. Deep chest, corr filled out front, nice bones. Too much white on one front leg. Moves quite well, shown in great condition.

Easy - N Ch NV-10 Dervisch Fiorella des Ombreuses - EXC-3 Ch class, CK, BB-4
4,5 år. Vakker helhet, utm str. Fem hode og uttr, korr bitt. Korr øyne, fine ører. Utm hals og overlinje, rør seg vakkert. Prima pels og kondisjon. Bra temperament. // 4,5 years. Beautiful all over, excellent size. Feminine head & expression, corr bite. Corr eyes, fine ears. Exc neck and topline, moves beautifully. Excellent coat and condition, good temperament.